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Emergencies can occur any time, any place, and the key to dealing and surviving an emergency situation is having the proper emergency response procedures in place.


FireSafe Services NSW understands the importance of emergency response procedures and have had experience in assessing and dealing with many types of emergency scenarios. Our skilled personnel can come to your location and give you an in depth resource (Emergency Response Manual) in accordance with AS 3745 which details: 

  • Roles, responsibilities and delegations of powers within an emergency control organisation 

  • The selection and authority of emergency control organization personnel 

  • How to recognise different types of emergencies and the dangers associates with them in the workplace 

  • Actions that are clear and concise which should be used in an emergency 

  • An extensive response directory when it comes to possible emergencies 

  • Checklists for bomb threats, evacuation exercises, building diagrams, etc.

emergency response procedures fire safety

We can provide emergency response procedures to a variety of industries including

  • aged care,

  • transport,

  • hospitality,

  • food manufacturers,

  • childcare,

  • office buildings,

  • small businesses and

  • health care facilities.

Contact Us today to obtain a quote on Emergency Response Procedures

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